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Power station series

Simply put, the Powerbird is a portable battery that allows you to carry significant power wherever you go.

What can you use with the Powerbird power station?

The examples below gives a good understanding of what type of products you can charge with the Powerbird power station.

Charge examples*


18/65/110 times


8/24/45 times

Nintendo Switch


Laptop (60Wh)

4/11/22 times

Drone (60Wh)

4/11/22 times

Camera (16Wh)

15/40/80 times

*The amount of times you can charge your device depending on your specific model. The number above is an example based on modern apple products and best selling Dell laptop.

TV (110W)




Fan (45W)


Electric oven (1000W)


LED light (5W)​


Hair dryer (800W)​


Electric drill (1000W)​


Car refrigerator (65W)​


*The time the Powerbird is able to power your devices is depending on model and what type of product you want to power. The time stated above can be used as measurment for your specific device.

How to charge your Powerbird

240V wall charging

You can charge the powerstation at home and bring it with you on your adventures.


Solar charging

Charge the power station on site with a portabel solar panel. 

Good to know.

It is recommended that you charge your powerstation every 3 months for optimal performance.

No, the Powerbird is safe to operate in a vechicle. 

Keep the powerstation away from water. No problem if it gets a little wet but if there is a lot of water stop using the powerstation. Just like a Gremlin you need to keep it away from water.

Three models to choose from